Unlocking The Power Of Subtle Energy In Pranic Healing

In today’s world, people are getting increasingly sick due to their sedentary lifestyle, eating junk food, and less physical activity leading to various health problems like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and more. As the importance of doing exercise is growing every day, many people have started doing physical activities like Yoga, Swimming, and going to the gym or even intermittent fasting. While all this is beneficial for overall well-being, one alternative therapy that keeps all health issues at bay is Pranic Healing.

But, what is Pranic healing? It is a “no-touch”, no-drug healing system based on the fundamental principle that the body has the innate ability to heal itself. Pranic healing uses “life force”, “energy”, or the prana to accelerate the body’s ability to heal on its own. It is important to understand that it is the ‘energy body’ that gets affected by illness, especially our Aura, and the reason Pranic healing works is because we are cleansing the aura which in turn helps in healing the energy body and eventually the physical body.

The Evolution of Pranic Healing 

Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui is the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing. It started in 1987 after the publication of Grandmaster’s book named “The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing.” The meaning of the word Prana is ‘Energy.’ We all know that everything is made up of some form of energy, including our thoughts and feelings. That is why it is emphasised to have positive thoughts. All of us have an innate capacity to feel, receive, modify and use different kinds of energy. 

Since energy can be transformed from one form to another, in the same way, one can transform negative energy into positive energy that would lead to healing. Moreover, we can also use the knowledge of energy transformation to overcome sickness and become healthy once again. Through Pranic Healing, we can improve the mental, emotional, physical, and other facets of our life as well.

How does Pranic healing work?

Through Pranic Healing, we can become aware of the aura around our body, how the energy surrounding us affects our body and the chakras present in the body. Through Pranic healing, we can scan and determine which chakras are affected by the negative energy. We can then balance the energy of our chakras through chakra healing methods.

Due to everyday stress, over-criticism of ourselves, and being with toxic people, there can be imbalances in our energy field that lead to several health issues. People who perform Pranic healing are trained professionals and are called Pranic Healers. Healers tap into the universal energy by using specific techniques to release this energy into the patient according to their health issues. There are three steps that the healers go through while performing the healing: 

  • Checking and Examining- The first thing the practitioner does is, examine the client and check for any abnormalities in the patient’s chakras.
  • Cleansing- Next, the healer tries to remove the negativity and blockades in the chakras.
  • Charging, revitalising, and replenishing the body with the life force- Once the cleansing process is completed and fresh energy is transferred into the body, the healing process starts on its own since the body is now filled with positive energy.

Benefits of Pranic Healing

Practising pranic healing can yield transformative benefits. Here are some potential advantages of this therapy:

  1. Children suffering from fever can be healed within a few hours 
  2. One can get rid of coughs and colds in a few hours
  3. Improved health and stamina
  4. Inner peace and happiness, along with increased concentration
  5. Reduced stress, greater self-esteem, and increased ability to attract good luck.
  6. Better interpersonal skills
  7. Treats addictions- problems like drug, alcohol, and substance abuse 
  8. Treats mental illnesses like stress, anxiety, and depression
  9. Relieves headaches, gas pains, toothaches, and muscle pains
  10. Through Pranic healing, the rate of healing has increased three times more

Side Effects of Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing has so many benefits but are there any side effects of Pranic Healing? 

There is no solid or recorded evidence of any side effects of Pranic Healing since it is no-touch therapy and no drugs are being used in the healing so there is very little chance of getting any side effects because of the healing. Though there are no side effects, it is advisable to do these sessions under the guidance of a certified Pranic healer.

Summing Up

To summarise, we can say that the core of Pranic Healing is energy. It is important to cleanse your energy and aura, as it helps in the self-healing of the individual and helps them fight diseases or stressful situations. Spiritual development is an additional bonus.

Read More:

The Benefits of Distance Pranic Healing: Healing from Afar
Which Energy Healing Technique Is Best For You?
Magical Benefits of Pranic Healing | Importance of Pranic Healing
What Is The Science Behind Energy Healing?
Balancing the Wheels of Life: Understanding Chakra Healing and Pranic Energy

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