In the realm of healing, where time and distance hold no sway, a remarkable practice emerges– Distance healing. No longer limited by physical proximity, the practitioner directs the healing energy across vast expanses, traversing mountains, crossing oceans, and dissolving the barriers of geography. 

In a world where the rationale of distance healing often eludes many, its potential remains untapped, leaving countless individuals unaware of the profound benefits it holds. The very logic that underpins distance healing is very simple– we all are part of a single energy source. 

Benefits of Distance Healing

Unburdened by physical constraints, there are many benefits of distance healing: 

  • Accessibility

Irrespective of where you live, distance healing allows you to reap the benefits of healing.  This is particularly beneficial if you have limited mobility, live in remote areas, or are unable to go to a healing and wellness centre.

  • Convenience

As the healing happens from afar, it removes the necessity of travel, thus offering convenience to those with hectic schedules or time constraints. You can seamlessly integrate it into your routine without the requirement of commuting to a healing centre or practitioner, thereby enhancing its accessibility and ease of scheduling.

  • Comfort and Privacy

Distance Healing is perfect for people who feel more comfortable receiving healing in their own familiar environment. It provides a level of privacy and allows recipients and patients to relax in a space where they feel safe and secure. This creates a conducive environment for relaxation and emotional well-being.

  • Time and Cost-Effective

By eliminating the requirement for transportation and reducing the time spent commuting to a healing centre, distance healing proves to be cost-effective. This is especially advantageous for you if you have some financial constraints or limited resources, as it helps you save on transportation expenses and allocate your budget more efficiently.

  • Effective For Reluctant People

Distance healing proves incredibly beneficial in addressing addiction cases, where patients may be confined to rehab centres or reluctant to visit therapists. By extending the healing methods remotely, certified healers can effectively facilitate the recovery of such patients. 

  • Boosts Memory and Creativity

Distance healing has the ability to enhance memory and unleash creativity, while also providing solace for anxiety-ridden hearts and fostering inner harmony and clarity. These transformative effects pave the path to excellence in life's endeavours. For example, heightened memory and creativity lead to improved performance in test examinations, while a calm and focused mind empowers individuals to navigate challenging situations such as public speaking, job interviews, auditions, and business meetings with confidence.

Pranic Distance Healing

Pranic Healing is a no-contact, no-drug therapy that involves the systematic scanning and manipulation of the body's energy field to facilitate healing. Even if a person is physically present before the healer, no physical touch is involved. Hence, whether the distance between the healer and the patient is a mere few inches or spans across miles, it holds no significance in the effectiveness of the healing process.

Amidst the myriad choices, you must seek out the beacon of excellence and trust - Healing Buddha. Here, certified Pranic Healers await, armed with dedication, profound knowledge, and the power to fulfil their promises. 

Why Healing Buddha is the Right Choice?

Healing Buddha has an impressive track record of successful distance healing cases, including:

  • Restoring the heart of an infant with holes
  • Preventing a stroke in an individual
  • Bringing a person out of a coma
  • Healing a severe head wound
  • Assisting women in labor for a smoother delivery process
  • Supporting post-surgery recovery
  • Enhancing memory, concentration, and calmness in children during examinations
  • Addressing addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs, video games) and other psychological conditions
  • And numerous other similar instances of healing 

Its approach involves the following steps:

  • Thorough counselling with the client to determine the optimal timing for the healing session
  • Regular communication with clients to track progress and gather feedback
  • Clear instructions are provided to clients on the necessary protocols to follow during the healing process

With seasoned healers at the helm, the transformative power of distance healing knows no bounds. Whether you reside in the vibrant lands of India or any corner of the Earth, you can easily get in touch to experience the profound benefits of Healing Buddha’s Distance Healing Service. 

Healing knows no bounds: experience the miracles of distance pranic healing, wherever you are.

Contact Healing Buddha today and discover how distance pranic healing can benefit you and your loved ones.

Contact: +91 95912 44009

“Regulate your mind. Do not worry excessively about the future. If you have done everything that has to be done, the future will take care of itself.” - Master Choa Kok Sui

The rate of anxiety, stress and depression has climbed across the globe. As per the latest reports, depressive symptoms grew from about 193 million people worldwide to 246 million. Anxiety disorders grew from 298 million people to 374 million. 

Learning healthy ways to cope with stress and anxiety is the need of the hour. If you are suffering from stress and it is taking a toll on your mental, emotional and physical health, it is time to try an alternative therapy- Pranic Healing. 

Before we dig deeper into how Pranic Healing can help, let us first understand the impact of stress and anxiety on our health.

Impact of Stress and Anxiety on Health

Stress and anxiety impact not only your physical body but also your thoughts and feelings. Some of the common effects caused by stress and anxiety are: 

  • Headache 
  • Frequent insomnia
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated blood sugar level
  • Muscle tension or pain
  • Lack of motivation or focus
  • Decreased productivity at work
  • Angry outbursts and more

How Can Pranic Healing Help?

Pranic Healing is a no-touch, no-drug energy treatment that uses prana to balance, harmonise and transform the body’s energy processes. It is based on the fundamental principle that your body has the innate ability to heal itself using the prana or energy. 

Pranic Healing offers you the ultimate way to change your life for the better, free yourself from worries, remove stress and anxiety and learn to love and embrace yourself. 

 It can help you relieve stress and anxiety through these methods:

  • Psychological Therapy

Our ‘energy body’ is double our physical body. When the chakras get congested in the energy body, this leads to blockages. Blockages congest and manifest in our physical body as ailments. These issues can be corrected by cleansing the chakras and aura and energising them with fresh and clean energy. 

Through psychological therapy, certified pranic healers bring out negative energy and pent-up emotions from the body. Negative feelings are brought out in the open. Once out, the stress and anxiety created by negative energy heal independently. 

  • Yoga and Meditation

We can’t really put a number to the benefits of yoga and meditation. These practices do not only help achieve peace and wellness but also promote mindfulness. By doing breathwork, you can refresh the mind and alleviate stress and tension. As we said earlier, the benefits are endless- better sleep, improved mental state, a calmer outlook, and many more.

  • Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to the practice of becoming fully aware of the present moment rather than dwelling in the past or thinking about the future. It is the state of being ‘in the now’ in all aspects, physically, mentally and emotionally. It may seem quite a difficult task but practising it can save you from stress and anxiety. 

  • Pranic Breathing

As per the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, the Founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, pranic breathing can considerably reduce the stress level, allowing us to experience substantial relief. 

Pranic Breathing is a simple exercise that boosts your energy. With each breath you take, you infuse your body with life force or energy that further fuels your body and the soul.

To practise pranic breathing, do the following steps:

  1. Connect your tongue to your upper palate
  2. Relax and be aware of your body
  3. Breathe in for six seconds
  4. Hold your breath for three seconds
  5. Now, exhale for six seconds

This completes one cycle. Practise it 5 to 7 times, you will immediately feel relieved and relaxed. After practising pranic breathing, recall happy memories. This elicits positive feelings and enhances your well-being. When you transform despair into hope and doubt into faith, you realise your inner strength. Darkness transforms into light and sadness into joy. 

The Bottom Line

This is a loud and chaotic world, and to feel stressed is quite an obvious thing. However, such feelings should be processed timely and frequently in a healthy manner, failing to do can lead to severe repercussions. 

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. 

If you are feeling stressed, Healing Buddha is here to the rescue.

  • Liberate your mind from negative thoughts
  • Overcome your fears
  • Take control of your life
  • Find the joy of living

Contact: +91 95912 44009

COVID-19 has caused unprecedented upheaval around the globe across industries and life in general. The most significant challenge for healthcare services providers in this time of social distancing is the loss of one-on-one personal touch. Meeting with the health care provider itself would bring solace a lot of times. In the current circumstances, health care providers are having to rapidly adapt and rely on technology to replicate the personal touch.

Being a non-touch, distant healing therapy, Healing Buddha’s healing modality found high resonance with an increasing number of customers in the social distancing times. To adapt to the pandemic situation, the company has had to change its mindset from being an on-ground local healing center to a global online healing platform. “To do this, we have had to ramp up recruitment and training of additional healers, upscale technology adoption for teleconsultation and marketing outreach and finally go beyond the traditional 9 am – 6 pm approach that we were following at our outlet to being available round the clock as per the convenience and demands of global customers. The ramification is that, even when the pandemic situation goes back to normal, we will not be reverting from our online and global approach”, points out Rituraj Mishra, Director, Healing Buddha.

A Passion for Energy Healing

R&M Healing Buddha is a multi-specialty energy (Prana) healing center based out in Bangalore. Providing energy healthcare services to clients locally as well as globally unrestricted by physical boundaries, Healing Buddha is a loving manifestation of our combined vision to transform the lives of people through systematic & time-tested energy healing treatments. “The R&M ahead of Healing Buddha stands for Ritu and Manish, representing the founders of the company”, states Rituraj.

A crystal healing session in progress at Healing Buddha Centre

The idea to come into the Indian healing and wellness space is more out of providence rather than a conscious choice. Since childhood, Manish and Ritu were introduced to various energy healing modalities in their different ways. A few years into their marriage, it was a happy coincidence to discover their common interest in healing. As more and more people started seeking them out for healing, what began as a few random healing sessions during weekends now started to keep them packed during evenings, weekends, and even holidays.

Realizing that this sacrifice of personal time and space, instead of being a burden, felt like a privilege. The joy of seeing others happy when they are coming out of their suffering made them realize that this is a great way to help others. Rituraj recalls, “Both Manish and Ritu believe that, just like society has good doctors, society also needs good healers. Both of them felt their calling to devote their lives to this purpose. That’s how the inception of the Healing Buddha – wellness center came up. The journey till now has been a rollercoaster, but nothing short of phenomenal”.

Healing Buddha provides solace to people suffering from simple to chronic health ailments through systematized pranic energy treatment sessions. The process followed by them in engaging their clients can be compared to that of a specialist doctor or a surgeon. “You would look at us as Energy treatment surgeons with a systematic process of discuss-diagnose-prescribe-treat-reassess and repeat, as required”, opines Rituraj.

Providing Solace in times of Mayhem

Healing Buddha always tries to take those on board who match with our ideology of working passionately with compassion to help people achieve a healthy body, mind, and soul. At the time of the pandemic, the world needs more health and wellness professionals than any other thing. “We were very quick to analyze the situation and make a working plan according to that. We conduct group meetings and practices to uplift the group spirit and enthusiasm. Manish and I were always available to answer any query from our employees. With beautiful cooperation we have produced many awesome healing results in 2020”, opines Rituraj.

Healing Buddha has been growing steadily since its inception in 2017. However, the unfortunate circumstance of the pandemic has been a shot in the arm and an eyeopener to the extent and scale of impact Pranic Healing can have on alleviating human anxiety and suffering through energy healing. Pranic Energy treatments being a no-touch, distant healing modality was well suited to treat both covid related and non-covid related ailments for which patients were not able to go physically meet with their doctors due to the unprecedented & unexpected circumstances. “We are overwhelmed and humbled by the possibility of providing solace to a lot of people during this situation. We are inspired to significantly expand our scale so that we can be of service to more people”, adds Rituraj.

Just like society has good doctors, society also needs good healers. Envisioning a future where every human being can enjoy the miraculous health benefits of Pranic Energy treatment, which in the past was not available for the common man, Healing Buddha foresees itself being at the forefront of creating awareness and delivering the benefits of Pranic Energy Treatment to people across India and the globe. Picturing the roads ahead, Rituraj concludes, “We are gearing up to expand our presence with flagship Pranic Treatment Centers in the top 25 cities in India supported by neighborhood satellite Pranic Treatment Clinics in potential localities to solidify our position in the Indian Wellness Space”.

Rituraj Mishra, Director, Healing Buddha
February 9, 2021
CXO Outlook Magazine

Source: CXO Outlook

One of the emerging industries in India in recent years is Wellness. India is recognized as the land of Ayurveda and Yoga, and the branches have evolved through the years. In recent years, this wisdom, knowledge and practices are being modernized to make them relevant and effective to the current times.

Founded in 2017, by Rituraj Mishra and Manish Kumar, R&M Healing Buddha is a multi-specialty energy (Prana) healing center that provides energy healthcare services to clients locally as well as globally unrestricted by physical boundaries. The R&M ahead of Healing Buddha stands for Ritu and Manish. As it would suggest, Healing Buddha is a loving manifestation of the combined vision to transform the lives of people through systematic & time-tested energy healings and Pranic Healing treatments. Rituraj Mishra, Co-Founder and Director, says "The idea to come into the Indian healing and wellness space is more out of self-interest than a conscious choice. We began applying healing techniques to our close friends and family to supplement and enhance the effectiveness of their existing biomedicine treatments and started experiencing magical results.

Since childhood, Manish and I got introduced to various energy healing modalities in different ways. A few years into our marriage, it was a happy coincidence to discover our common interest in healing. Initially, we pursued training in advanced healing techniques purely out of self-interest. We began applying healing techniques to our close friends and family to supplement and enhance the effectiveness of their existing biomedicine treatments and started experiencing magical results. Word of mouth spread and requests for healing increased along with a lot of fantastic health outcomes. Both Manish and I believe that, just like society has good doctors, society also needs good healers. Both of us felt our calling to devote our lives to this purpose. That's how the inception of the Healing Buddha - wellness center came up."

The various services rendered by Healing Buddha can be broadly categorized as healing, meditation, training and corporate retreats. Healing is a multi-specialty service and is the flagship offering of Healing Buddha. It can be further sub-categorized into Supplementary healing to accelerate/ support allopathy & other treatments. Pranic treatments for chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid issues, heart ailments, infertility, brain & nervous system-related issues and more.

Prana treatment for children with special needs. Pranic well-being for expectant mothers. Pranic psychotherapy treatment for psychological issues like ­ depression, fear, phobia, hallucinations, addiction and more. Preventive healthcare through periodic energy body strengthening. Manish Kumar, Co-Director, Healing Buddha adds, "For the sake of easy reference, the process followed by Healing Buddha in how it engages with clients can be compared to that of a specialist doctor or a surgeon. You could look at us as Energy treatment surgeons with a systematic process of discuss- diagnose energy conditions -prescribe-treat-reassess and repeat, as required."

Healing Buddha has been growing steadily since its inception. However, the unfortunate circumstance of the pandemic has been a shot in the arm and an eye-opener to the extent and scale of impact that we can have on alleviating human anxiety and suffering through energy healing. Healing Buddha is over-whelmed and humbled by the possibility of providing solace to a lot of people during this situation. And are inspired to significantly expand their scale so that they offer services to more people.

"We foresee Healing Buddha being at the forefront of creating awareness and delivering the benefits of Pranic Energy Treatment to people across India and the globe. To solidify our position in the Indian Wellness space, we are gearing up to expand our presence with flagship Pranic Treatment Centers in the top 25 cities in India in 5 years, supported by neighborhood satellite Clinics in potential localities", concludes Ritu.

Silicon India Startup City
Vol 7 * Issue 05 - 02 * November 19, 2020

Holistic wellness has been an inherent part of the Indian culture and heritage since time immemorial. Be it alternative medicine such as Ayurveda or health practices such as yoga, India has always had a bent towards wellness practices that nourish the mind and body alike. With time, the Indian population had strayed away from these basic tenets of our culture, however modern lifestyle and the disadvantages it brings along have compelled us to rethink wellness practices. Over the past few years, mental well-being and fitness have emerged as one of the most crucial aspects of countering the modern world's unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. Gradually, wellness as a concept has taken up a multi-dimensional definition influenced by changes in society accelerated by extraneous factors like globalization and a greater awareness of the need for wellness.

Influenced by raising awareness among consumers, increasing disposable incomes and a desire among the youth to transform their lifestyles, the global wellness sector has experienced immense growth in the past few years. Consequentially, wellness has emerged as a burgeoning business sector as well. According to reports, the global wellness industry is valued at a whopping 4.2 trillion and its Indian counterpart is estimated to be worth INR 490 billion according to FICCI. In fact, the Indian wellness industry has been slated to grow at a CAGR of approximately 12 percent annually to reach $23 billion by the end of 2020.

Keeping the market trends in mind, we at StartupCity present to the '10 Best Wellness Startups-2020'. The list has been curated after thorough scrutiny by industry experts, CXOs, CEOs and the StartupCity editorial board. Each of these startups mentioned on the list is committed to rendering reliable and high-quality wellness solutions ranging from curative healthcare, nutrition, yoga, fitness to preventive healthcare.

Silicon India Startup City
Vol 7 * Issue 05 - 02 * November 19, 2020

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